Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mogwai/Fuck Buttons

There are a few shows that I can attend where closing my eyes while not stoned can still take me somewhere. There are even fewer where I'm taken to a place I'd actually like to be. Scottish band Mogwai is definitely one of them. I recently saw them at the Showbox Sodo in Seattle, which was a great setting - the warehouse was able to capture their ability to descent from whispering guitars to crunchy, palsy-inducing noise. Check out their video for BatCat, and enjoy watching the same creeptastically good Plague Doctor/Bird masks that the Knife use:


Fuck Buttons is a wasted name, it makes me think of Battles, nevertheless, they are an amazing duo. They were a fantastic opening act for Mogwai because they awoke the audience, cleared my mind, and kidnapped me with their noise. Two guys from England making loud, good things happen from electronics in suitcases. However, I think a lot of this comes across much better while hearing them play live.

Check out their Myspace page for more tracks and tour dates:


Droidaphone said...

I kinda totally hate Mogwai.
Like, I want to douse them in water in the hopes their evil slimy version will emerge and be less annoying. Or was it feed them junk food? I'll try both.

STUART BRAITHWAITE: Oh, hey. Thanks, dude. A twix.
ME: (rubbing hands together) Yessss... You're welcomme.
STU: Um. Yeah.
(awkward pause)
STU: What... What are you-? Are you waiting for something?
ME: Dammit: Plan B! (I douse Stu w/ a bucket of ice water.)
STU: Aw, hellz no. Wtf, man. W.T.F.

Prom Date Boner said...

That's alright, I understand it maybe difficult for fans of old-school MIDI music to get into post-rock and similar stuff ;)

Droidaphone said...

Ummmm, for your inforMATION, true chiptune music is too lo-bit HARDCORE for MIDI.

I'll post-rock your MOM, dammit.

è_é !

Prom Date Boner said...

My bad...I meant something more like this:

To be fair it's the only song I hated in the movie, the rest was quite different and better.